
Aggiornamenti dal mondo della logistica

Opening of the second LNG station in Novi Ligure

Good news about the development of the italian LNG distribution network: after the first refueling station, opened last year in Piacenza, in Novi Ligure has been recently activated a second station, managed by Ratti Carburanti, close to the A7 gate serving the city....

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Smart Mobility World – Monza – 29/30 Ottobre

  SOS LOGistica vi invita a partecipare alla XII edizione di Smart Mobility world, che si terrà a Monza, dal 29 al 30 Ottobre 2015. Smart Mobility World, rappresenta il più importante evento a livello europeo dedicato alla mobilità del XXI secolo come...

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Smart Mobility World – Monza – October 29 / 30

  SOS LOGistica invites you to join the XII edition of Smart Mobility World, held in Monza from the 29th to 30th of October. Smart Mobility World is the major European event dedicated to XXI century mobility, as sustainable, connected and integrated, whose focus...

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SOS LOG at Poseidon MED workshop in La Spezia

Wednesday September 23rd SOS LOGistica will take part to a new workshop, organized in La Spezia within the framework of the European project Poseidon MED. The goal of this event will be the validation of scenarios identified during the previous meetings. Each...

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SOS LOG al workshop Poseidon MED a La Spezia

Mercoledì 23 Settebre SOS LOGistica parteciperà a un nuovo workshop, organizzato a La Spezia nell'abito del Progetto Poseidon MED. L'obiettivo di questo meeting sarà la validazione degli scenari individuati durante i precedenti incontri. Ciascuno scenario verrà...

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La logistica GREEN secondo Iveco e Smet

Smet Trasporti punta sulla tecnologia a gas naturale liquido di Iveco affiancandola alla soluzione dei 18 metri di lunghezza per gli articolati. Un mix efficace per una logistica a minor impatto ambientale. Il gruppo SMET, importante player italiano nel settore della...

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Iveco and Smet for GREEN logistics

Smet Trasporting is betting on LNG - Liquified Natural Gas technology, coupling it with 18 m. long articulated lorries. An effective mix to reduce logistics environmental footprint. SMET Group, an important italian player in the field of integrated logitics, is part...

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SOS LOG alla Genoa Shipping Week 2014

Il 17 Settembre 2015 SOS LOGistica parteciperà alla Genoa Shipping Week con la relazione: Progetto Poseidon Med - Ingaggio stakeholders e analisi SWOT di scenari. La relazione presenterà i risultati generati nell’ambito dei workshop organizzati negli ultimi mesi per...

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SOS LOG at Genoa Shipping Week 2015

Thursday September 17th 2015 SOS LOGistica will take part to the Genoa Shipping Week with the report: Poseidon Med project – Stakeholders engagement and SWOT analysis for scenarios. The report will present the results generated within the framework of workshops...

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Concorso per il premio di laurea "Alvaro Spizzica"

Tre riconoscimenti, dedicati alla memoria di Alvaro Spizzica, vice presidente di Assologistica prematuramente scomparso, premieranno le migliori tesi di laurea sul tema logistica e intermodalità. II premio, dell'importo di € 2.000,00 verrà assegnato a 3 tesi di laurea...

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Best dissertation contest "Alvaro Spizzica"

Three awards, dedicated to the memory of Assologistica vice-president Alvaro Spizzica, will be assigned to the best dissertations on the topic of logistics and intermodality. The prize, consisting in € 2,000.00 will be assigned to the 3 best dissertations discussed in...

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Transport ministers approve Quality Charter for road freight

A Quality Charter for international road haulage operations has been approved by the transport ministers of the ITF European member countries. The Quality Charter establishes qualification standards for companies, managers and drivers and will enter into force on 1...

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