Jan 26 SOS LOG symposium Follow-up

Tuesday January 26th the University of Milan – Bicocca hosted a symposium organized by SOS LOGistica and Assologistica – Cultura & Formazione to discuss about sustainable logistics and practical initiatives that enable companies to transfer innovation and...

Paris COP21 – Nov. 30th / Dec. 11th 2015

What is COP21? Cop21 is the XXI Conference of the Parties on climate change that will be held in Paris from November 30th to December 11th 2015. The conference has been organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an environmental...

Save the date: SOS LOG symposium – January 26, 2016

Sustainability, “green economy”, sustainable development, energy saving: these are concepts that are part of the common sense, repeated and echoed also in the business environment; words that attract a wide consensus. “Green is good!” we might...