The Padua Charter

The Padua Charter – together for a sustainable and efficient logistics – is a manifesto promoted by SOS-LOGistica together with 12 associations of the logistics industry.  It is an open platform, so any association willing to commit it welcome on board....

Coronavirus: open letter to institutions

To protect the Italian and European economy, it is essential to act in a fast, lean, pragmatic way. Every threat brings opportunities and it is therefore time to push with determination towards a sustainable, safe and resilient transport mode such as intermodal...

General Assembly 2019 SOS LOGistica

The General Assembly of SOS LOG-istica will take place on Friday May the 10th, in Milano, Via Cornalia 19, starting 10 am. The agenda will include:   Ordinary General Assembly – 10 am  DOWNLOAD THE LETTER Balance Sheet approval  (available in the LOGIN area...