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SOSLOGistica takes part to MERCINTRENO 2015

Lug 17, 2015

Tuesday October 6th 2015 SOSlogistica will take part to MERCINTRENO, the annual forum for the development of rail freight forwarding, coordinating a round table (scheduled for October the 6th, h 10.30) dealing with the issue of political social and economic unstability in the Mediterranean area, and with the new scenarios for trade and freight forwarding. The panel will analyze the possible effects on the Italian system, as well as new opportunities for partnerships and business ventures.


copertina-5 Mercintreno 2015


MERCINTRENO was born in 2009, when Federmobilità decided to start a debate on freight forwarding sustainability, with the goal of highlighting the contradictions of the Italian system, unbalanced towards road haulage, and to develop a discussion around the economic and environmental opportunities and the business challenges associated with the rail alternative.

This year too, the ultimate objective is to contribute to the “promotion” of rail freight forwarding, currently suffering a crisis, due to high production costs, low commercial speed and in general low productivity and redditivity indexes. We think that the event is contributing to shift the public opinion attention on the need to pursue competitiveness and sustainability, to allow the sector to face the challenges of a globalized world, leveraging on intermodality and networking. During the last years, the event conquered the support of private and public institutions, including the prestigious medal of the President of the Italian Republic.

MERCINTRENO 7th edition will take place, as usual, in Rome. We invite you to take part to the event, and to visit the forum website: http://www.mercintreno.it/


Here you can find the event program (ITA).



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