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General Assembly 2019 SOS LOGistica

Apr 20, 2019

The General Assembly of SOS LOG-istica will take place on Friday May the 10th, in Milano, Via Cornalia 19, starting 10 am.

The agenda will include:


Ordinary General Assembly – 10 am  DOWNLOAD THE LETTER

Balance Sheet approval  (available in the LOGIN area of the web site)

Extraordinary General Assembly  – ore 11 DOWNLOAD THE LETTER

The meeting will further include a presentation of SOS LOGistica activties and two innovative projects:

AMI – Ambiente Mare Italia (web) by Alessandro Botti, President – Project LiberAMI dalla Plastica

NATIVA LAB (web) by Nicola Piccolo, Evolution Guide @ Nativa Lab – How to be a Benefit Company

You are kindly requested to confirm your participation (including any guest you would like to invite) at the following link: https://www.sos-logistica.org/prenotazioni/?id=4

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