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SOS LOG takes part in the 6th edition of the "CSR and social innovation exibition"

Set 18, 2018

SOS LOG is proud to take active part in the CSR and social innovation exhibition, scheduled for October 2nd and 3rd at Bocconi University, in Milan.

The title of this 6th edition – The routes of sustainability – is inspired by the sea voyage and is dedicated to those who want to ride the waves of knowledge, get to the destination and start again, with new ideas, while sharing the journey with some new companions. The route can change, but the compass of values will always guide responsible organizations.

Dozens of meetings, hundreds of speakers, thousands of visitors: those who come to the fair will learn about the companies that today consider sustainability a strategic driver, meet young people, and help build the future of CSR. Two intense featuring a rich cultural program, many stimulating appointments, and even more opportunities for networking.

To participate, please register at:   https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-il-salone-della-csr-e-dellinnovazione-sociale-49549697479





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