Logo soslog edit 01

Decarbonising Maritime Transport

Pathways to zero-carbon shipping by 2035. This is the title of a recent White paper published by International Transport Forum, an intergovernmental organisation with 59 member countries. It acts as a think tank for transport policy and organises the Annual Summit of...

Sustainable Logistics and Circular Economy

The circular economy challenges the traditional, linear, “takemake-dispose” model of production and consumption, in which resources are extracted/mined/grown, manufactured, transported and then used before being disposed of at the end of the value chain. The linear...

Il camion elettrico Tesla in fase di test

Primo trasporto del camion elettrico Tesla, operativo tra lo stabilimento Gigafactory 1 in Nevada ed il quartier generale in California. Il camion ha coperto una distanza di circa 400 km. Leggi l’articolo completo su trasportoeuropa.it al seguente link:...