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Are you ready for the Sustainable Development Festival?

Mag 22, 2017


How can Italy overcome the many challenges ahead, and move forward on an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable path? What is the United Nations 2030 Agendaand how it can represent the key to improve the wellbeing and the quality of life of all citizens? Which are the main changes in public policies and everyday behaviors, to be implemented to achieve the goals set by the international community (including Italy) for 2030?

17 days, 200 events organized across Italy, to discuss policies conceived to reduce poverty, improve education and gender equality, foster innovation and create new, high quality jobs, while protecting the environment. The goal is to change our model of growth and development to make them more fair and sustainable, and to understand how we can drive, rather than endure, this epochal change.

More than 12.000 people already visited the website www.festivalsvilupposostenibile.it and are ready to make the difference.

Discover how you can join them, and how to take part in the first edition of the Sustainable Development Festival.



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