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Amazon starts testing delivery with drones in England

Lug 28, 2016

Drone Amazon

Amazon recently signed with the English government an agreement to accelerate the authorization procedures for drone deliveries.

The service is part of the Prime air program, which aims at speeding up and revolutionizing logistics, offering deliveries in 30 minutes or less. The first commercial delivery with an Amazon drone will take place in Cambridge, but the Prime air program co-founder, Daniel Buchmueller assured: «We will not launch until we can guarantee the absolute safety of the operations». The same tests should soon start in the Netherlands.

Amazon is currently testing drones weighing less than 55 pounds (25 kg), powered by electric batteries, and capable of flying below 400 feet of height, traveling at more than 50 miles per hour. The drones are equipped with sensors capable of forecasting and avoiding  system malfunctions. «Many products are small and light, we can move efficiently packages up to 2 kilograms, delivering them in 30 minutes or less, with these small aerial drones» said Buchmueller.

Read the article on The Guardian.

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