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Meeting of the Commission for Sustainable Logistics

Giu 8, 2016



  • How do we evaluate the benefit and the return in investing in electric company vehicles?
  • How is the electricity supply service for commercial vehicles in Italy?
  • Which commercial offers are already available on the market?


These are the topics on the agenda of the next meeting of the Commission for Sustainable Logistics, taking place at 10 am, Thursday 16th June, in Milan at the Headquarters of Assologistica in Via Cornalia 19.

Among the main speakers of the event:

Cesare Grasso from Alphabet, talking about the best logistics solutions of eMobility, the consultancy services and other services available to the companies interested in introducing electric company vehicles.  Alphabet is a leading company in services of excellence for Business Mobility, promotes an all-round management of the corporate fleets through a full offer of innovative products and services supporting the mobility for every business need. With its strong experience from the AlphaElectric project, Alphabet has been also active in promoting electric mobility in urban logistics.

Gianluigi Quaranta from Nissan, illustrating Nissan’s approach on sustainable logistics. Nissan is the world leader in car manufacturing, with more than 250,000 electric vehicles sold. Nissan e-NV200 Van is the best choice for cargo volume top of the category, operational flexibility and great maneuverability. In fact, it has been the chosen vehicle by the major international players in the last mile deliveries.

Gianluca Donato from ABB, presenting the state of art and the development perspectives for electric vehicles and charging stations. ABB, the world leader in energy and automation technologies, offers a wide range of solutions for fast standard charging in both alternating and direct current and is also able to meet any application requirement. ABB works alongside the companies interested in their services avoiding the risk of delays and watered-down compromise during operations. During the meeting dedicated to logistics, the strengths and weaknesses of the logistics in an electronic mobility system today and the expectations in 2020 will be analyzed.

We invite you to attend the event by sending an email to milano@assologistica.it and to follow the meeting live streaming on the Facebook profile of SOS LOG.


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