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University of Milan – Bicocca: GEM (Green Energy Management)

Lug 20, 2015

From July 20th to July 31st 2015, the University of Milan – Bicocca organizes a summer school session: GEM (Green Energy management) to provide international students with a context sensitive first-class training in the field of Green Energy Management and renewable resources.

Industrial and institutional partners will take part to the course, bringing their experience in the field of renewable energies production and management. Leading scientists from Spain and Portugal will present up to date information on wind production and use of hydrogen for transportation. Visits to a hydroelectric plant and to a laboratory for photovoltaic experiments will be organized.


GEM Energy Management



The summer school is part of Bicocca initiatives for EXPO.

Here you can find the program of the summer school. For further information you can contact Dott. Matteo Lazzari m.lazzari7@campus.unimib.it

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